
Living For The Highlights – Amber Lawrence



Authentic and heartfelt, Amber Lawrence’s “Living For The Highlights” is a dazzling compilation of modern country music. With her strong, expressive voice and talent for penning stories that touch listeners to their core, Lawrence leads the album on a pulsating tour across the gamut of human emotion.

An anthem fit for a celebration, “Bring It Back” evokes fond memories and the happiness that comes from reigniting old flames. Incorporating the joyous spirit of country music, it is a tune that encourages audience participation through dancing and singing.

Beautifully exploring the delicate realms of memory and grief, “You Were Mine” is a moving ballad. A hauntingly lovely song that is both profoundly personal and universally relevant is the outcome of Lawrence’s work with Lyn Bowtell on this track. The vulnerability of the lyrics is complemented by the delicate instrumentation of the song, which creates a space for meditation and connection.

An ode to perseverance and the power of unity, “Rise” is the album’s outstanding duet featuring powerful vocalist Casey Donovan. We can conquer any challenge with the help of our loved ones, as this upbeat and inspirational blues-influenced song reminds us. With their undeniable chemistry, Lawrence and Donovan elevate “Rise” to album standout status and inspire listeners.

As a whole, Amber Lawrence’s “Living For The Highlights” is a wonderful achievement. The album urges listeners to find beauty in the ups and downs of life. Lawrence has made an album that will appeal to both new and old fans with its mix of energetic songs and heartfelt ballads, and is another chapter in the journey that this amazing artist has taken us on for the last two decades.

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