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Luke O’Shea Dances To A Different Drum



If anyone knows anything about dancing to the beat of a different drum,it’s definitely 16-time Golden Guitar winner Luke O’Shea. This is no more evident than in his new single,Different Drum.

“This song was written with my great musical mate Chris Matthews, who is one of Australia’s hardest-working and most-traveled musicians,” Luke said.“We were discussing what was happening in the music world of late and then having a good old laugh at ourselves, for we both unconsciously seem to fly directly in the face of what’s fashionable and hip.”

Neither of them see this as a bad thing, though, as they see the world getting better at acknowledging and accepting people for who they are, regardless of certain beliefs and habits.

“Just as long as we can all remember that one simple ‘golden rule’ … ‘to treat each other as we would like to be treated’,” Luke said.

Filled with a positive story, Different Drum spreads the love and the important message that you should just go with what feels right.“There is a lovely little story and message to this song—plus a real little ‘whatthe’ moment as the outrothat for me—although it ain’t’ typical’ country—it certainly brings home the message of just going with what feels good, not what you think it should be,” Luke said.“Just keep dancing!”

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