“Traveller” by Chris Stapleton is an extraordinary musical journey that transcends genre boundaries, delivering a raw and soulful experience that leaves a lasting impression. Released in...
For the past few months, veteran rocker and Foo Fighters six-stringer Chris Shiflett has been sharing new tastes of his signature honky-tonk-meets-rock-and-roll sound. “Dead and Gone” found the Southern...
Likening an artist to Paul Kelly is almost never justified, however in the case of Clint Wilson, it is a more than fair comparison. Clint is as...
“Home Fires” is the new single from Melbourne country outfit Small Town Romance. A sonically luxurious country soul exploration of the impossible fantasies we entertain in life’s quiet...
“Take Me to The Boozer” is the brand new single from Southern Highland’s singer-songwriter, Jo Caseley, and it’s a fun spin on the traditional ‘drinking song’. Any parent...
Jazmyn is no stranger in music circles having worked behind the scenes as a first-class photographer, music video creator and designer working with everyone from Lee Kernaghan...
Hot off the back of winning ‘Female Artist of the Year’ at the 2023 CMAA Toyota Golden Guitar Awards in January, Amber Lawrence is back with her first single release...
Casey Barnes has unveiled his latest single, the ultra-catchy, optimistic “Never Give Up On A Good Time“, as he prepares to the hit the road for his CITY NIGHTS...
The world of music and entertainment was plunged into sadness on 1st September 2023, as news of the passing of the legendary Jimmy Buffett swept across...
Australian singer-songwriter, Charlie Fittler, is going from strength to strength and its set to continue with the release of “Gypsy Soul” – the third taken from his acclaimed EP, “Dying...