“Sleepless Nights” is the title of Adam Brand’s latest single, which was released by the renowned Australian country music artist. In light of the tragic occurrence...
Country HQ is proud to premiere Wren Bellette’s second solo track, “Sailor,” as she continues her journey to a full length album later this year., is...
Photo Finish Records is proud to present Tales of Misfortune, the debut album by the rising star from the Appalachian region Colby T. Helms. Acknowledged by...
The highly regarded folk, country, and blues singer-songwriter Claire Anne Taylor’s third solo album, Giving It Away, is soon to be released by Cheatin’ Hearts Records...
After a six-year hiatus from releasing new music, The Decemberists are back with a new single “Burial Ground” out today. With its infectious horns and jangly...
In a tragic turn of events, the country music industry mourns the loss of one of its greatest icons. Toby Keith, the legendary singer-songwriter and performer,...
Lainey Wilson’s incredible career reached new heights as she was honoured with the Best Country Album GRAMMY® for Bell Bottom Country. With current single “Wildflowers and...
After over a decade of writing songs for bands, this Melbourne-based Americana singer and songwriter has finally decided to go solo and perform under her own...
Since bursting onto the music scene in 2018 with his band Hugo Stranger and the Rattlers, Tom Harrison has been making all kinds of noise ever since. After finding...
Welcome back to Nashville, Aussie country sensation Morgan Evans in April! Chugg Entertainment, Potts Entertainment, and Frontier Touring are thrilled to have him back after his...